9P Holding, LLC has filed notice of a proposed project which requires review by the MS Department of Marine Resources to ensure compliance with the state’s approved Coastal Program under the Coastal Zone Management Act.
The applicant is proposing to fill up to 0.25 acre of privately owned, previously excavated waterbottoms. The applicant will construct an 850-foot bulkhead along the existing shoreline and waterward edge of the fill and perform maintenance dredging with the removal of approximately 122 cubic yards of material. All proposed activities will occur within privately owned, previously excavated water bottoms adjacent to Bernard Bayou at 11301 Sundown Circle, Gulfport, Harrison County, MS. View the full application at the link(s) below.
Any person wishing to make comments or objections to the proposed activity must submit those comments in writing to Katie Nelson by mail at the Department of Marine Resources at 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, Mississippi 39530, by email at katie.nelson@dmr.ms.gov, or by using the form below before 5:00 p.m. on the day December 23, 2024.
Comment Submission Form
You should receive an acknowledgement of your comment from Katie Nelson by email. If you do not receive this acknowledgement, please contact katie.nelson@dmr.ms.gov.