
DMR, MDWFP Offering Free Boat and Water Safety Classes

11-28-CWS | March 22, 2011

BILOXI, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (DMR) and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP) are sponsoring Boat and Water Safety classes, which are scheduled from now through August. The classes will be taught in Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties and are free and open to all ages.


April 2 and May 21 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Kiln Library, 17065 Highway 603
Instructed by MDWFP.


Bay St. Louis:
June 11 and July 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Mississippi Power Company, 300 Highway 90
Instructed by DMR Marine Patrol.


April 16, April 30, June 25 and Aug. 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Bolton State Office Building, 1141 Bayview Ave.
Instructed by DMR Marine Patrol.


May 21 and July 16 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Bolton State Office Building, 1141 Bayview Ave.
Instructed by MDWFP.


June 18 and July 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: MGCCC Estuarine Education Center, 2300 Highway 90
Instructed by DMR Marine Patrol.


May 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Lower Pascagoula Wildlife Management Area Headquarters, 816 Wade Vancleave Road
Instructed by MDWFP.


To register for a free boat and water safety class taught by DMR Marine Patrol, or to bring a class to your school, call DMR Marine Patrol Dispatch at 228-523-4134. For more information, visit the DMR Web site at No pre-registration is required to participate in a boat and water safety class instructed by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; you may call 601-783-2911 for more information.


The safety courses have been designed to effectively introduce topics such as boat registration, navigation rules, trailering, first‐aid response and weather watch into a comprehensive one‐day class.


These programs and certification courses are conducted by the DMR and the MDWFP free of charge, in the three coastal counties, year‐round for the public and in the school systems.


In the DMR Boat and Water Safety presentation program, students learn the history of boat and water safety, the duties of DMR’s Marine Patrol, what to expect in the certification course and why there is a need.


“Boating accidents were down in 2010,” said DMR Marine Patrol Lt. Richard Cooley. “We would like to continue that trend in 2011, and we’re hoping steady participation in boat and water safety classes will help keep Mississippi boaters safer on the water.”


For more information about Boat and Water Safety classes as well as boating equipment requirements and a list of pump‐out locations, please see a copy of our Mississippi Boater’s Guide, which is available at the DMR or online: Boater’s Guide.


The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at


Contact: Jennifer Goldman Leirer
Phone: 228‐523‐4101

