11-90-CWS | September 1, 2011
BILOXI, Miss. – As Labor Day weekend, the unofficial summer finale, is upon us the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) would like to congratulate Coast anglers who have set Mississippi recreational saltwater records this year. Twelve saltwater conventional tackle records have been approved by the Commission on Marine Resources (CMR) since the start of 2011.
If you think you’ve hooked a record breaker, visit dmr.ms.gov to download an official state saltwater fish record application and a complete list of Mississippi Recreational Saltwater Fishing Records.
State record-breaking anglers:
Phillip King, Jr. of Ocean Springs set a new state record for Marbled Grouper with a 12-pound, 8-ounce fish on Dec. 3, 2010; the record was approved by the CMR in April. Pete Atwood of Gulfport broke the state record for Spinycheek Scorpionfish with a 3-pound, 8.56-ounce fish on March 13.
Troy Helwig of Long Beach broke the state record for Greater Amberjack with a 114-pound, 3.2-ounce fish on March 18.
Cecily O’Brien of Pascagoula set the new state record with a 1-pound, 8.69-ounce Creolefish on May 8.
Stacy Combs of D’Iberville broke the state record for Bigeye Tuna with a 92-pound, 2.88-ounce fish on May 11.
Zach Joseph of Ocean Springs broke the state record for Bigeye Tuna with a 93-pound, 5.6-ounce fish on June 5.
Jacob Edwards-Faucette of Pascagoula broke the state record for Yellowtail Snapper with a 7-pound, 3.52-ounce fish on June 10.
Derrick Saucier of Pascagoula set the new state record for Scrawled Filefish with a 4.8-ounce fish on June 11.
Mike Salvetti of Ocean Springs broke the state record for Tilefish with a 14-pound, 8-ounce fish on June 12.
Eddie Kopszywa IV of Biloxi set the new state record for Belted Sandfish with a 1-ounce fish on July 3.
Jae’Von Riley of Moss Point broke the state record for Atlantic Cutlassfish with a 2-pound, 6.4-ounce fish on July 10.
David Kuehn of Gautier broke the state record for Whitespotted Soapfish with a 6.2-ounce fish on July 20.
The MDMR reminds recreational anglers that a Mississippi Saltwater Recreational Fishing license is required for all methods of recreational finfish harvest south of Highway 90. If you are fishing north of Highway 90 and south of Interstate 10, either a Mississippi Saltwater or Freshwater Recreational license will suffice. Also, remember that your Mississippi Saltwater Recreational Fishing license expires 1 year after date of sale. You can pick up a free Guide to Mississippi Saltwater Fishing Rules and Regulations book anywhere Mississippi saltwater fishing licenses are sold. For more information, call 228-374-5000.
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the MDMR online at www.dmr.ms.gov.
PHOTO CREDIT: Photos courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.
Photo A cutline: Phillip King, Jr. of Ocean Springs set a new Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record with a Marbled Grouper weighing 12 pounds, 8 ounces.
Photo B cutline: Pete Atwood of Gulfport broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Spinycheek Scorpionfish with a fish weighing 3 pounds, 8.56 ounces..
Photo C cutline: Troy Helwig of Long Beach broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Greater Amberjack with a fish weighing 114 pounds, 3.2 ounces.
Photo D cutline: Cecily O’Brien of Pascagoula broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Creolefish with a fish weighing 1 pound, 8.69 ounces.
Photo E cutline: Stacy Combs of D’Iberville broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Bigeye Tuna with a fish weighing 92 pounds, 2.88 ounces.
Photo F cutline: Zach Joseph of Ocean Springs broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Bigeye Tuna with a fish weighing 93 pounds, 5.6 ounces.
Photo G cutline: Jacob Edwards-Faucette of Pascagoula broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Yellowtail Snapper with a fish weighing 7 pounds, 3.52 ounces.
Photo H cutline: Derrick Saucier of Pascagoula set a new Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record with a Scrawled Filefish weighing 4.8 ounces.
Photo I cutline: Mike Salvetti of Ocean Springs broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record for Tilefish with a fish weighing 14 pounds, 8 ounces.
Photo J cutline: Eddie Kopszywa IV of Biloxi set a new Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record with a Belted Sandfish weighing 1 ounce.
Photo K cutline: Jae’Von Riley of Moss Point broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record with an Atlantic Cutlassfish weighing 2 pounds, 6.4 ounces.
Photo L cutline: David Kuehn of Gautier broke the Mississippi recreational saltwater conventional tackle record with a Whitespotted Soapfish weighing 6.2 ounces.
Contact: Jennifer Goldman Leirer
Phone: 228-523-4101.
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