Order of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Closing Area I "B" and Area II "A" Conditionally Approved Waters To the Harvest of Oysters
In accordance with the Mississippi Administrative Code Title 22, Part 1 and the “Order by the Director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Reopening the 2024 Mississippi Oyster Season in certain waters classified as approved and conditionally approved, and placing certain restrictions on oyster harvesting and handling activities,” the MDMR hereby orders that the following areas will close to the harvest of oysters on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 4:00pm due to the river stage exceeding the management plan criteria:
Conditionally Approved Area I “B” – including St. Josephs or St. Joe Reef.
Conditionally Approved Area II “A” – including portions of the Pass Christian and Henderson Point Reef.
Conditionally Approved Area II “B” – including the Waveland and St. Stanislaus Reefs will remain closed.