In accordance with Mississippi Administrative Code Title 22, Part 1, the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) hereby orders that:
The 2024 – 2025 Mississippi Oyster Season shall open for the harvest of oysters, beginning at legal sunrise, the 15th day of January, in Area II “H” and Area II “I” Approved Waters located in the Western Mississippi Sound. These areas will open to harvest provided they meet all criteria for opening as specified in Title 22 – Mississippi Department of Marine Resources – Part 1 Rules and Regulations for Molluscan Shellfish Related Activities, and under the oyster season requirements set forth in this order.
The commercial oyster tonging vessel daily limit is ten ( 10) sacks, and the commercial oyster dredging vessel daily limit is fifteen (15) sacks.
All Mississippi waters and public or private reef areas therein shall remain closed on Sundays and the following days: Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
All other Mississippi waters and reef areas will remain closed due to action of the Executive Director or low numbers of legal size oysters or in accordance with their management plan in Title 22, Part I or its successor; or do not meet the National Shellfish Sanitation Program’s Model Ordinance standards for conditionally approved waters; however, area waters with private lease reefs may be opened and closed by the MDMR, Executive Director, or Chief Scientific Officer. Said openings and closures of these areas will be in accordance with Title 22, Part 1, or its successor. In addition to all provisions of Title 22, Part 1, or its successors, the following regulations, restrictions, or procedures shall be in effect for the 2024 – 2025 Mississippi Oyster Season.
a. All fishermen must check in prior to harvest at a designated check station or drop box. All fishermen must check-out at the same designated check station where they checked- in. Fishermen checking-in at a drop box must check-out at the designated check station for said drop box.
b. Certified shellfish dealers, processors and shippers are required to have in place and follow HACCP procedures and records documenting the time/temperature requirements.
c. The Executive Director of the MDMR is authorized by Title 22, Part 1, to change the time/temperature requirements as necessary, as well as establishing check-out times as may be required or necessary, but not later than 4:00 P.M.
d. In accordance with §49-15-46 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, all harvesters (commercial and recreational) are required to pay on the day of harvest, a shell retention fee of fifteen cents ($0.15) per sack harvested. No tags will be issued to harvesters at the designated check station until the required shell retention fee is paid. The harvester shall be responsible for providing correct change for all shell retention fees due.
e. In accordance with §49-15-46 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, the initial dealer, processor or factory first purchasing Mississippi oysters are required to pay a shell retention fee of fifteen cents ($0.15) per sack to the MDMR, on forms submitted by the MDMR no later than the 10th day of the month following the purchase.
f. All commercial harvesters selling their oysters through interstate commerce are required to pay on the day of harvest, a shell retention fee of fifty cents ($0.50) per sack harvested. No tags will be issued to harvesters at the designated check station until the required shell retention fee is paid. The harvester shall be responsible for providing correct change for all shell retention fees due.
g. All fishermen checking-in at a drop box or check station must accurately and legibly print the following information on a MDMR trip notification ticket (available at the check station): date, check-in time, license number, harvester’s name, captain’s name, name of boat, boat registration or documentation number and where it is documented, intended harvest area, license type (commercial or recreational), gear type (tong or dredge), and number of individuals on board the boat.
h. All fishermen shall retain the harvester’s copy of the trip ticket in their possession while transporting their catch and said ticket shall be present and available for inspection upon request by any official of the Department of Marine Resources.
i. All commercial oysters shall be placed under mechanical refrigeration as prescribed by the ISSC/NSSP Model Ordinance and cooled to a temperature of 55° For below as prescribed by the ISSC/NSSP Model Ordinance. Certified shellfish dealers, processors and shippers are also required to have in place and follow HACCP procedures and records documenting these time/temperature requirements.
8. All land transport vehicles used by licensed oyster harvesters to transport harvested oysters shall have shading over the oysters to protect the oysters from direct exposure to the sun, thus reducing the potential for an increase in the temperature of the oysters while held on a land transport vehicle.
12. The standard measure for said sack in accordance with Title 22, Part 8 shall consist of a tub or other round vessel of the following dimensions:
It shall measure 18 inches in diameter inside at the top, and 14 inches in diameter inside at the bottom, and 17 inches from bottom to top, the unit of such tub or sack measure to be in the shape of a frustum of a cone.
One (1) of these measures filled level to the top shall make one ( 1) sack.
All requirements set forth in orders, regulations or state laws will be in full force and effect and it shall be unlawful to violate said provisions of said orders, regulations or laws. Violations of said regulations or laws shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of §49-15-63 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated and/or the provision(s) of any other specific section(s) of said order, regulation or law applying to the violation. Copies of Title 22, Part 1 or its successor and this Opening Order will be available at the Department of Marine Resources, 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, Mississippi 39530, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and at the designated check stations, as well as on the Department of Marine Resources website
https://dmr.ms.gov/ and https://dmr.ms.gov/category/public-notices/.