
MDMR, Partners to Release Cobia on Mississippi Offshore Reefs

11-126-CWS | December 6, 2011

BILOXI, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR), in partnership with Aqua Green, Mississippi State University and the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, will release Cobia on two of Mississippi’s offshore artificial reefs this week in an effort to help restock the fishery.


Approximately 8,000 fish were reared at Aqua Green, a privately owned fresh and saltwater aquaculture facility located in Stone County, Miss. The fish were raised in Aqua Green’s marine hatchery and nursery center in recirculating systems and currently range in size from 0.1 to .13 pounds and are 6 to 8 inches long.


The cobia release is scheduled (subject to weather) for Thursday and Friday, December 9 and 10, on Fish Haven 9, north of East Ship Island, and Fish Haven 14, southeast of East Ship Island.


The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at


PHOTO CREDIT: Photo Courtesy of Aqua Green


Photo caption: Approximately 8,000 Cobia were reared at Aqua Green for this restock project, which is a collaborative effort between MDMR and public and private fisheries organizations.


Contact: Jennifer Goldman Leirer
Phone: (228) 523-4101

