Bird Guide
Selected Birds of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Vicinity
This field guide is the second in a series of guides to the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s (NERR) biodiverse natural resources. Please keep in mind that this book was not written as an identification guide. There are plenty of those types of guides already on the market. This guide was compiled to provide our visitors with pictures and potential locations of selected species of birds found in or near the protected lands of the NERR. Hopefully, this guide will help you more easily find the bird that you are looking for by providing information not only on the bird but also on the coastal habitats where you can go to find it.

Calling all Citizen Scientists!
We encourage you to review this edition of the book and bring any corrections that you notice to the attention of Avery Sward avery.sward@dmr.ms.gov. Thank you in advance for your help. Suggestions are also welcome.
This public document is not for sale, and all rights to the publication are reserved to the DMR. Copies may be made for educational purposes only.
Botanical Guide
Selected Plants of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
The Department of Marine Resources’ Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve is proud to present to you the second version of our first on-line field guide. Although this book highlights species found within Reserve, the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Alabama’s Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, many of the plants depicted are also found throughout the coastal areas of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida and beyond. Specifically, Mississippi’s Coastal Preserves are great places to find examples of these plants.

Calling all Citizen Scientists!
We encourage you to review this edition of the book and bring any corrections that you notice to the attention of Avery Sward avery.sward@dmr.ms.gov. We are especially interested in knowing if you have information on the flowering and fruiting times of the species described in the book. Although we did our best to determine these times at the time of publication, there was not a lot of region-specific information available on some of the species. If you observe one of the selected species either blooming or fruiting outside of the ranges listed, please e-mail us the exact location of the plant, so that we can confirm your observation. Please note that we are currently only interested in receiving information on plants that you observe in flower or in fruit in south Mississippi or southwest Alabama. Thank you in advance for your help.
This public document is not for sale, and all rights to the publication are reserved to the DMR. Copies may be made for educational purposes only.
The original edition can be found at the Grand Bay NERR website.
Related Information
- Grand Bay NERR
- Coastal Preserves
- Dear Island Restoration Project
- Invasive Species
- Mississippi GEMS
- Habitat Stewards