Round 2 for new applicants only
Applications Open: October 28, 2024 at 8:00AM
Applications Close: November 26, 2024 at 11:59PM
The 2019 Mississippi Bonnet Carré Spillway Fisheries Disaster Recovery Program financial assistance applications for commercial fisheries and charter boat participants will reopen Monday, October 28, 2024, at 8 a.m. for new applicants only. Anyone who received funds in the previous opening of the direct financial assistance program is not eligible to receive funds from this current program.
Applicants must be a Mississippi resident 18 years or older and have possessed a valid Mississippi resident commercial fishing or dealer license in the 2019 calendar year with MDMR documented landings, verified by MDMR through trip tickets during the following five historical years 2014-2018. To qualify as a dealer, applicants must have been in possession of an active dealer license in 2019, have purchased seafood from an active Mississippi commercial fisherman between 2014 and 2018 and records of these transactions must be present in the MDMR trip ticket database. Only brick and mortar seafood dealers are eligible. Eligible Mississippi resident charter boat captains must be 18 years or older and possessed a valid Mississippi resident charter boat license for the 2019 calendar year and at least one of the previous five years (2014-2018). If applying as a business, it shall be organized under the laws of the State of Mississippi, registered with the Secretary of State’s Office and be domiciled in Mississippi.
Applications will be open for 30 days and will close Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. No late applications will be considered and there will be no appeals if the deadline is missed. Funding allocation has been structured so that only applications submitted by the deadline will be considered.
The following information will be needed for the application process:
- Contact information
- Valid email address
- All applicable 2019 calendar year fishing or dealer license numbers
- Date of birth
- Social security number or employer ID tax number.
- A W-9 form, incorporated into the application, will also be required for payment, and retained by MDMR.
For assistance submitting an application, contact the MDMR at 228-374-5000. For questions regarding the status of an application or payment, or if an email with completed individual application information is not received, contact Traci Floyd at 228-523-4068 or 2019bcrelief@dmr.ms.gov.
An appeals process will be offered to those who are not found eligible.