Restoration Framework is an ongoing process that seeks to better define the functional limits of our coastal system and evaluate the potential impacts to that system over time. It broadens the focus beyond the Mississippi Sound to what is now defined as the Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama Coastal System (LMACS). The LMACS includes coastal waters from the mainland shore to the offshore barrier marshes and islands extending from Lake Borgne to Mobile Bay. Objectives supported by the LMACS Restoration Framework for Sustainable Fisheries include the development or linking of comprehensive physical and environmental model capable of evaluating restoration concepts and strategies through a 50-year planning horizon. These concepts and strategies will drive the development of a comprehensive restoration master plan that is intended to functionally link with Louisiana’s Coastal Restoration Master Plan. The LMACS is also intended to foster collaborative discussions about restoration and management topics with adjoining states such as the operation of spillways or adjustments to river flows.
The Restoration Coordination Team (RCT) consists of MDMR and MDEQ employees who coordinate the implementation of restoration projects with funds from the BP Oil Spill. Revenue streams include RESTORE, Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF).