- Rick Kinnard, Director
- (228) 523-4147
Vendors are responsible for checking this site periodically for any addendums/amendments up until the proposal or bid opening.
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is required to check the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)/System for Award Management (SAM) if federal funds will be used for a project to be sure a contractor has not been suspended or barred from receiving federal contracts. Suspended or barred bidders will not be considered.
You will need to become a vendor for the State of Mississippi and sign up for electronic payment.
If you are a new vendor, please submit a W-9 to the Mississippi Department of Finance & Administration (DFA) and complete the supplier (vendor) registration forms.
If you are an existing vendor and need to add an additional remit address, please complete the Supplier (Vendor) Alternate Remittance (SAR)/Ordering Address Maintenance Form and submit to Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).
If you are an existing vendor and are doing a complete address change, you will need to complete a new W-9 and submit to DFA.
Please forward all W-9’s, including all addresses associated with the business, or the SAR form to the MDMR purchasing department in order to complete the registration process.
CLICK HERE to obtain Mississippi suppliers (vendors) registration forms and information.
Note: The address on your W-9 must match the remit address on you invoices. Please submit an additional remit address if the address on your W-9 does not match your invoices submitted to MDMR.
Disclaimer: The State of Mississippi agrees to make a payment in accordance with Mississippi law on “Timely Payments for Purchase by Public Bodies”, Section 31-7-301, et seq. of the 1972 Mississippi Code Annotated, as amended, which generally provides for payment of undisputed amounts within 45 days of receipt of the invoice by the accounts payable department.
Attention Paymode Users: Please do not submit invoices through paymode at this time. We are currently experiencing difficulties with the Paymode and MAGIC Interface. Please submit all invoices through one of the following avenues:
- Mail: 1141 Bayview Avenue | Attn: Accounts Payable 6th Floor | Biloxi, MS 39530
- Email:
- Fax: Attn: Accounts Payable | 228-374-5006
To sign up for electronic payment, click here to register online at Paymode or call 1-866-252-7366.