Paddle the Gulf is an initiative to educate the public about Gulf of Mexico coastal resources and promote stewardship through citizen science and the establishment of a network of coastal paddle trails, also known as blueways, across the five U.S. Gulf States. Paddle the Gulf has initially identified five designated blueways in each state to showcase as part of this initiative.
Let’s shake the winter time blues and get on the water for some paddling fun!!
- Meet at Presley’s Outing, 10402 Presley’s Outing Road, Moss Point, MS
- Presley’s offers kayak rentals, $20 for the full day
- The route will be down river about a mile to Franklin Creek. We will then spend the rest of the trip exploring Franklin Creek, one of the most unique creeks in Jackson County, MS.
- The total distance will be about 5 miles, and there are several good stopping points for short breaks.
- This will be a leisurely cruise in protected waters.
- Sand beach launch area, and you can head out in three different directions, all of which have scenic paddling.
- A short class to learn kayaking basics and general safety procedures will be conducted prior to the departure. Please arrive at 12:00 to participate in this complimentary class.
- Optional dinner at a great BBQ restaurant on site (Boathouse Restaurant), a great time to recap the trip and continue meeting other paddlers.
- Public bathhouse with showers and changing rooms on site if you would like to clean up before dinner.
- Please note that there is a NO ALCOHOL policy at Presley’s that is strictly enforced.
Paddle the Gulf is a wonderful way to celebrate what the Gulf of Mexico has to offer by kayaking and canoeing these paddle trails. Please RSVP for kayak rental and after paddle dinner option to