- Crystal Matta
- (228) 523-4011
- crystal.matta@dmr.ms.gov
The Mississippi Advisory Commission on Marine Resources meeting is held on the third Tuesday of the month and begins at 9 a.m. The location is in the auditorium of the Bolton State Building at 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, MS 39530. The meetings are open to the public. Meeting date, time and location is subject to change.
The public is also provided the opportunity to address items not on the agenda with physical attendance of the meetings. The meetings are also live streamed on YouTube; however public comment is only available with physical attendance.
DFA policies and procedures prohibit weapons on the property of the Bolton Building. As authorized by MS Code sections 29-5-2, 29-5-77, and 29-5-81, the Mississippi Department of Finance & Administration (DFA) prohibits the open carry of weapons in all state government buildings. As custodian of the Bolton Building, DFA has determined that this building contains sensitive areas and that the government’s interest is served by banning the open carry of weapons within this building.
The Mississippi Advisory Commission on Marine Resources is comprised of five members, appointed by the governor for four-year terms, to represent the following areas:
Ronnie Daniels, Chairman
Harrison County
Charter Boat Operators
Cammack (Cam) A. Roberds, Vice Chairman
Jackson County
Recreational Sports Fishermen
Jonathan McLendon
Harrison County
Commercial Seafood Processors
Jason Osborne
Hancock County
Nonprofit Environmental Organizations
Matthew Mayfield
Jackson County
Commercial Fishermen
January 24
January 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
February 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
June 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 27
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 22
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 17
January 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
February 14
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
June 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 19
January 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
February 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
June 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 11
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 13
January 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
February 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
June 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 12
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 12 – Special Session
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 14
January 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
February 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 17
Meeting Canceled
March 31
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 7
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 10
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
April 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 19
Agenda | Presentations| Transcript
May 27
Agenda | Presentation | Transcript
June 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 22
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 15
January 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
January 24
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February 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 01
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
March 19
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April 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
May 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
June 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 20
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 08
October 15
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 28
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 17
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
May 29
June 19
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
July 17
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
August 21
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
September 18
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 16
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
October 24
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
November 27
Agenda | Presentations | Transcript
December 03
December 12
December 18
January 17
February 21
March 21
March 21 – Work Session
April 18
May 16
June 20
July 18
August 15
September 19
October 17
October 26 – Special Session
November 21
December 19
January 19
February 16
March 22
April 19
May 17
June 21
July 19
August 16
September 20
September 30 – Work Session
October 18
November 15
December 13
December 13 – Work Session
January 20
February 24
March 17
April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
August 18
September 15
October 20
November 17
December 13
January 21
February 18
March 18
April 15
May 20
June 17
July 15
August 19
September 16
October 21
November 5
November 18
December 16
January 15
February 7
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17