SPECKLED TROUT SPECKLED TROUT INFORMATION Spotted Seatrout Endorsement Requirements and ApplicationLegal Notice Spotted Seatrout Size ChangeFrequently Asked QuestionsSpotted Seatrout VIE Tagging NEWS ARTICLES New Speckled Trout rules begin Jan. 16, 2017 for recreational fishermenPublic hearing on Speckled Trout set for Nov. 17MDMR establishes email, phone line to provide information about Speckled TroutMississippi determines speckled trout are overfished – NOLA.com/The Times-Picayune, 08-17-2016Opinions mixed on speckled trout regulations – The Clarion-Ledger, 10-21-2016Speckled trout minimum increased by CMR – SunHerald, 12-25-2016