15-25-CWS | April 23, 2015
BILOXI, Miss. – MDMR Executive Director Jamie Miller announced Thursday that Chief Financial Officer Bill Feidt will be leaving the agency effective May 31.
Feidt is resigning from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources to take a position as senior vice president for a communications company.
“Bill has been a great asset to the agency. I wish him well in his future endeavor,” Miller said. “The MDMR has achieved a lot in his time here, and the agency is well positioned for the future.
“Under his leadership, the agency completed its first audit as prescribed by the DMR Accountability Act. Also, Bill leaves a culture of controls, transparency and accountability.”
Feidt began working at MDMR in October 2013. Before that, he served as vice president of Strategic and Tactical Support, Inc., a professional consulting services firm. He also worked as the director of finance and planning for WorldCom, Inc. and Skytel Corp.
During his tenure at MDMR, Feidt was instrumental in the completion of the agency’s first audit mandated by the DMR Accountability Act. He also reorganized the Office of Finance and Administration, including additions of new bureau directors; he created a Grants Management Bureau to add checks and balances to all federal and outside funding sources; he transitioned the agency to the State of Mississippi’s new accounting system (MAGIC); implemented new reporting to the Commission on Marine Resources and agency management that provides better transparency into the agency’s finances; and instituted new internal controls and policies to address deficiencies identified in various outside audits and reports.
“We accomplished a lot in my time at the agency, and I leave a great team behind that will carry on the work that we have started,” Feidt said. “I appreciate the opportunity to work with Director Miller and to help make a difference on the Gulf Coast.”
State Sen. Brice Wiggins, author of the DMR Accountability Act, said Feidt has worked hard to get the MDMR moving in the right direction.
“First, I want to thank Bill for his service to the State of Mississippi,” Wiggins said. “Bill, as chief financial officer, has been instrumental in getting DMR back on track financially. His expertise and local knowledge benefited the agency tremendously. I wish him well in his new position.” That means that you will be actually crazy about these mind-challenging friv games, if not even addictive – just as most players were addictive with Angry Birds. And moreover jogos friv games will be quite beneficial for your brain as well. On the websites of friv games you can find everything what you need.
Miller said he will begin searching immediately for a new CFO.
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at www.dmr.ms.gov.
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