Regulatory language listed in associated parts of Title 22 supersedes information listed below.
Species | Minimum Length in Inches | Number of Fish Bag/Possession |
Cobia ♦ | No Take | No Take |
Striped Mullet | No Limit | No Limit |
Flounder | 12 TL | Quota *** |
Red Drum ♦♦ | 18 TL to 30 TL * | Quota *** |
Spotted Seatrout | 14 TL | Quota *** |
King Mackerel | 24 FL | 3,000 lbs |
Spanish Mackerel | 12 FL | No Limit |
Tripletail | 18 TL | 3 |
Goliath Grouper | No Take | No Take |
Nassau Grouper | No Take | No Take |
Red Grouper | 18 TL | No Limit |
Yellowfin Grouper | 20 TL | No Limit |
Black Grouper | 24 TL | No Limit |
Gag Grouper | 22 TL | No Limit |
Scamp | 16 TL | No Limit |
Red Snapper | 13 TL ** | IFQ ** |
Vermilion Snapper | 10 TL | No Limit |
Lane Snapper | 8 TL | No Limit |
Gray Triggerfish | 14 FL | No Limit |
Gray, Schoolmaster, Cubera, Dog, Mahogany, and Yellowtail Snappers | 12 TL | No Limit |
Mutton Snapper | 18 TL | No Limit |
Greater Amberjack | 36 FL | No Limit |
Lesser Amberjack & Banded Rudderfish | 14 FL to 22 FL * | No Limit |
Hogfish | 14 FL | No Limit |
Bigeye Tuna | 27 CFL | No Limit |
Bluefin Tuna | No Take | No Take |
Yellowfin Tuna | 27 CFL | No Limit |
Blue Marlin | No Take | No Take |
White Marlin | No Take | No Take |
Sailfish | No Take | No Take |
Longbill Spearfish | No Take | No Take |
Crabs – Hard Shells | 5 **** | No Limit |
Crabs – Soft Shell | No Limit | No Limit |
TL = Total Length – Straight line distance from tip of snout to tip of tail.
FL = Fork Length – Straight line distance from tip of snout to fork of tail.
CFL = Curved Fork Length – Tip of the upper jaw to the fork of tail measured along the contour of the middle of the body.
♦ It is illegal to sell Cobia caught in Mississippi territorial waters or Cobia landed in Mississippi.
♦♦ Commercial fisherman may retain only one Red Drum over 30 inches TL.
* Range represents minimum and maximum lengths.
** It is illegal to sell, barter or trade any species of reef fish without possessing the proper federal permits and/or licenses required by the NOAA Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery Management Plan and complying with any other conditions set forth by federal or state regulations for the management of the identified reef fish. IFQ = Individual Fishing Quota.
*** The season will run from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 each year. Total allowable catch limits (TAC) are 74,000 pounds of Flounder; 60,000 pounds of Red Drum; and 50,000 pounds for Spotted Seatrout. When landing reports, as required by law, show the TAC has been reached for a given species, MDMR will, with adequate notice, issue a news release and public notice closing state waters to commercial fishing for that species for the remainder of that fishing year.
Federal Regulations may differ from state regulations. Please refer to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council for Federal Regulations at (888) 833-1844 or
**** As measured from tip of one lateral spine across the back of the shell to tip of opposite lateral spine.
NOTE: Fishing seasons for some species may be closed by order of the Commission on Marine Resources. Advance notice of such closures will be given.
The information on this page is an abstract of the rules and regulations in effect at the time of publishing. Fishermen are responsible for obeying fishing rules in full. Complete laws are available at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, 1141 Bayview Avenue, Suite 101, Biloxi, Mississippi 39530.
For more information call the DMR at (228) 374-5000 or email.