DR-4576-MS – Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
Date of Notice: 07/21/2021
Project Title(s): FEMA- DR- 4576-MS, Multiple Project Worksheets involving Category “A” Debris, “B”
Emergency Protective Measures, “C” Road Repairs, “E” Building Repairs (roof / siding / interior), “F” Utility
Repairs (electric and water lines), “G” Miscellaneous Repairs (fencing / gates / piers, etc.) back to Pre-
Disaster condition for similar, and minor repairs.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives this Final Public Notice to the public
of its intent to reimburse The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Public Assistance federal grant
funds to restore and repair storm surge / flood damaged facilities throughout the area serviced under their
authority and jurisdiction during the incident period of October 28th and 29th, and under the major disaster
declaration FEMA-4576-DR-MS, signed by the President on 12/31/2020.
An initial disaster‐wide Public Notice was published Thursday, January 7, 2021 for DR-4576 Hurricane
Zeta; Comments and other information received were fully evaluated by FEMA along with evaluation of
social, economic, environmental, and safety considerations. This notice serves as a “Cumulative Public
Notice” for projects –“involving Category “A” Debris, “B” Emergency Protective Measures, “C” Road
Repairs, “E” Building Repairs (roof / siding / interior), “F” Utility Repairs (electric and water lines), “G”
Miscellaneous Repairs (fencing / gates / piers, etc.) back to Pre-Disaster condition; for similar, and minor
repairs” with possible minor mitigation. FEMA has determined that the only practicable alternative is to fund
the repairs of the above-mentioned facilities, already located within the floodplain prior the event. This work
will be done in an identified Coastal High Hazard Area as identified by Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
28059C0455G and 28059C0460G dated 3/16/2009. This work is “Functionally Dependent” upon its
Funding for the proposed work project (s) will be conditional upon compliance with all applicable federal,
tribal, state and local laws, regulations, floodplain standards, permit requirements and conditions. This
action complies with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements.
This Final Public Notice concerns activities involving” like in kind” for similar, and minor repairs which are
in the floodplain prior the event, that may affect floodplain and or wetland areas. FEMA intends to provide
public assistance for the restoration to their pre-disaster condition of these facilities already located within
floodplain prior the event, except that certain measures to mitigate the effect of future flooding, other
hazards, and accessibility requirements may be included in the work. For example, a security fence
restoration may include a thicker/stronger fence post to decrease the risk of future washouts and failures.
For covered actions, this will be the Final Public Notice provided. Other activities and those involving
facilities that do not meet the criteria are required to undergo more detailed review, including study of
alternate locations. Subsequent Project Specific Final Public Notice(s) regarding such projects will be
published if necessary, as more specific information becomes available.
In many cases, the applicant may have started facility restoration before federal involvement. Even if the
facility must undergo detailed review and analysis of alternate locations, FEMA will fund eligible restoration
at the original location if the facility is functionally dependent on its floodplain location (e.g., bridges and
flood control facilities), or the project that facilitates an open space use, or the facility is an integral part of
a larger network that is impractical or uneconomical to relocate, such as a Road/Linear Facility. In such
cases, FEMA must also examine the possible effects of not restoring the facility, minimizing floodplain or
wetland impacts, and determining both that an overriding public need for the facility clearly outweighs the
Executive Order requirements to avoid the floodplain or wetland, and that the site is the only practicable
alternative. The State of Mississippi and local officials will confirm to FEMA that proposed actions comply
with all applicable state and local floodplain management and wetland protection requirements.
The National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effect of their
undertakings on historic properties. Such as actions or activities affecting buildings, structures, districts, or
objects 50 years or older or that affect archeological sites or undisturbed ground will require further review.
Location(s) of Proposed Work, and Locations per Community Flood Insurance Program’s FIRM, per
review on 07/21/ 2021.
Lat / Long: 30.35918, -88.42003 and 30.35710, -88.46290
- Jackson County, Mississippi Community Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) # 28059C0455G, 03/16/2009
- Jackson County, Mississippi Community Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) # 28059C0460G, 03/16/2009
Proposed Work and Purpose:
The proposed action scopes of work (SOW) includes the repair / replacement of structures involving
Category, “E”: Construct a 4-pile weather platform, 12’ x 12’, with fiberglass grating and fencing around the
perimeter and replace one YSI-Turnkey Telemetry Station on single piling. “G” Miscellaneous Repairs
(fencing / gates / piers, etc.) back to Pre-Disaster condition; for similar, and minor repairs” with possible
minor mitigation to reduce damage from future flood hazards.
This will serve as the final public notice regarding the above‐described action(s) funded by the FEMA PA
program. Interested persons may submit comments, questions, or request a map of specific project (s) by
writing to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 4, 3003 Chamblee‐Tucker Road, Atlanta,
Georgia 30341, or by emailing FEMA‐R4EHP@fema.dhs.gov. Comments should be sent in writing with
the subject line FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE FEMA- 4576-DR-MS, involving for similar, and minor repairs., at
the above addresses within 15 days of the date of this notice.