18-05-MMS| February 28, 2018
BILOXI, Miss. – The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources on Wednesday presented five Coast students with the MDMR Excellence in Marine Sciences Awards as part of the Region VI Science and Engineering Fair.
The agency has been giving the award for more than 20 years, and it was established to encourage local students to develop science projects involving Mississippi’s coastal resources.
The awards are given in four classes. Class I, kindergarten through third grade; Class II, fourth through sixth grades; Class III, seventh and eighth grades; Class IV, ninth and 10thgrades.
The winners in the first two classes each receive $100. The other two winners receive $200 each to enhance their exhibits for the next level of competition.
Winners of this year’s Excellence in Marine Sciences Awards are:
Class I: Sophia Dubuisson, Gulfport, “What Flow Design, Race to the Finish.”
Class II: Allen Arguello, Ocean Springs, “What is the Best Type of Rock to Slow Down Coastal Erosion?”
Class III: Carter McCullough, Pascagoula, “Crabs and Salinity.”
Class IV: Jessalyn Cain, Wiggins, “Plastic Kills our Krill.”
Class V: Gary Nguyen, D’Iberville, “Filtration of Microplastics in Aquas Environments.”
Nguyen was the overall winner of the science fair and will travel to the international competition in May in Pittsburgh.
Photo courtesy MS Department of Marine Resources
Dr. Paul Mickle, right, chief scientific officer for MDMR, presented five students with the MDMR Excellence in Marine Science Award. The students are, from left: Carter McCullough, Sophia Dubuisson, Allen Arguella, Jessalyn Cain and Gary Nguyen. To find more information about the owner of a phone number use reverse cell phone lookupavailable for free at spamnumbers.net. The site’s database provides information on both cellular and landline numbers from all over the United States.
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at dmr.ms.gov.
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