
MDMR to begin oyster relay December 10

18-74-CWS | December 6, 2018

BILOXI, Miss. –The oyster relay initiated by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources will begin at legal sunrise Monday, Dec. 10, at the Pascagoula Causeway Reef in Jackson County.


All commercial fishermen who have been approved through MDMR will be allowed to catch and transport oysters from this reef and unload on the designated barge.


The first three days of the relay will be open to harvest by use of tongs only. After the initial three days, the relay will be open to harvest by tongs and dredges retrieved by hand and continue until the quota of 18,864 sacks is reached or earlier by authority of the MDMR Executive Director. If an oyster harvester chooses to use a dredge, it must meet Mississippi dredge specifications and must be retrieved by hand only. It cannot be retrieved by any mechanical means.


Fishermen should report to the MDMR vessel, RV Conservationist, which will be stationed at the reef. The single trip limit is 20 sacks for both tongers and dredgers, with no daily limit. Daily harvesting activities must cease by 3 p.m. Sacks will be provided by the MDMR and harvesters can collect them from the RV Conservationist, Point Park boat ramp or contractor barge. Harvesters are also required to check out at the RV Conservationist after filling each trip limit and at the end of the day.


For more information, visit, call the oyster relay check station at 228-697-5512 orcall the 24-hour Oyster Information Hotline at 228-374-5167 or 1-800-385-5902.


The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at

