NOAA Gear Monitoring Team (GMT) Spring 2023
Shrimp Fishery Turtle Excluder Device (TED) Outreach & Courtesy Inspection Schedule in Mississippi
April 3- April 7, 2023
Hancock County, Harrison County & Jackson County
In order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the team, NOAA personnel are asking that those interested in participating in these TED outreach and courtesy inspection events reach out to NOAA in advance. By doing this, NOAA can schedule time accordingly and ensure that they make it to everyone that needs the service while they are in the area. You can contact them at the following numbers or email address for more information on when and where the GMT will be. They can let you know how to get your TEDs inspected or questions answered by the team. Thank you in advance, and the GMT looks forward to meeting you and ensuring your gear is compliant and ready to be fished.
For more information:
Contact information:
Canh Nguyen 228-355-8372
Jason Letort 228-355-8667