Pursuant to the authority prescribed by Mississippi Code Ann. §33-15-31, the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources hereby declares and orders that:
All seafood harvested outside of state waters may be landed in Mississippi without the necessity of obtaining a seafood transport license pursuant to Miss. Admin. Code Title 22, Part 12.
This action is necessary due to the lack of seafood processing facilities in Louisiana following Hurricane Ida and the lack of means of obtaining the seafood transport license by the captains prior to landing.
This order will take effect and be in force from and after 6 a.m., on September 3, 2021, through December 31, 2021. For further information contact the Department of Marine Resources at 228-374- 5000, or write to the Department of Marine Resources at 1141 Bayview Ave., Biloxi, MS 39530.
Ordered this the 2nd Day of September, 2021.