
Red Snapper reporting system now available

15-32-CWS | May 19, 2015

BILOXI, Miss. – Recreational fishermen and captains of for-hire vessels now are required to report their Red Snapper harvest when it is landed in Mississippi. Officials with the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources have implemented several methods for fishermen to report their Red Snapper harvest, including a smartphone App, a website and a call center.


“The purpose of this electronic reporting system is to provide fishery managers the best available data to ensure Mississippi anglers the most opportunities and greatest flexibility for Red Snapper harvest,” said Matt Hill, director of MDMR’s Finfish Bureau. “The mandatory reporting system will provide for accurate and timely data that will be used for better resource management.”


Anglers with smartphones can download “Tails N Scales” in the iTunes App store or on Google Play or log onto They can create a profile now using the App or website; however, they cannot create a trip until May 28. Also, they must close out one trip before creating a new one.


Beginning May 28, anglers can call 1-844-MSSNAPP (677-6277) to speak to a representative to create their profile and a trip.


The Federal season for Red Snapper runs from June 1-10. The Commission on Marine Resources on Tuesday authorized MDMR Executive Director Jamie Miller to open a supplemental state season, but no dates have been set.


Last year, red snapper reporting was voluntary. This year, though, MDMR has made it mandatory in order to record more accurate data.


For more information on reporting data, go to the Red Snapper page at


The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at

