The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) does hereby give public notice that on April 21, 2020 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission on Marine Resources, the Commission approved a Notice of Intent to update, modify and change below listed sections of Title 22 Part 7. Said Notice of Intent was filed with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office on April 21, 2020. A complete copy of Title 22 Part 7 and the proposed changes are available are available at Public comments on the proposed regulation changes will be accepted through May 18, 2020. All comments should be mailed to the MDMR, Attn: Trevor Moncrief, 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, MS 39530 or emailed to: Trevor Moncrief at and delivered by 5:00 PM on May 18, 2020.
Complete description of proposed changes:
TITLE 22 – MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES, PART 7 Regulations to Provide Size Limits and Bag Limits on Certain Fish Species and to Prevent Sale of Seafood by Recreational Fishermen
Chapter 07 Charter Boat Exemption from Certain Bag Limits
100 Persons on a licensed charter boat or headboat may possess a two-day (2) bag limit only when complying with the following conditions and only for the species listed in 100.06 of this chapter.
100.07 Charter vessel captain and crew are prohibited from keeping a recreational bag limit of Red Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Spotted Seatrout.
104 Charter vessel captain and crew are prohibited from keeping a recreational bag limit of Red Snapper, Greater Amberjack, and Spotted Seatrout.
104 105 This Chapter shall renew automatically on an annual basis for a one-year period unless the Commission initiates a review of this section.