- Please contact Jenny Stout
- (228) 523-4106
A permit is required for projects such as new construction; modifications or repairs to piers, boathouses, bulkheads, and similar structures on the water; and for alteration of wetlands or waterbottoms by filling, dredging, and similar modifications. The following are examples of things that require authorization prior to beginning construction. This list is not exhaustive.
- Piers
- Boathouses or Boat lifts
- Bulkheads or Riprap
- Boat ramps or Boat slips
- Single-pile structures
- Multi-pile mooring dolphins
- Breakwaters or Jetties
- Intake or Outfall structures
- New marinas or Harbors
- Rebuilding or replacing existing structures in the same footprint
- Adding to or changing the dimensions of a permitted structure
- Replacing decking boards or stringers on existing piers or roofs on existing boathouses
- Replacing pilings, whether single pilings or part of a structure
- Rebuilding, repairing, or modifying piers, bulkheads, breakwaters or other structures within existing marinas or harbors
- Maintenance dredging under a boathouse or boat lift or within an existing navigation channel, marina, or harbor
- Creating a new indented boat slip or boat ramp
- Creating or maintaining the depth of a channel to access deeper water
- Creating or maintaining a public navigation channel
- Beach renourishment
- Placement of material into wetlands or waterbottoms for any reason
- Culvert placement or replacement
- Debris removal (derelict structures, trash, stumps, limbs, etc.)
- Derelict vessel removal
- Utility line installation or maintenance through wetlands or through, over, or under waterbodies
- Plant material collection (seeds, cuttings, or whole plants for nursery stock or scientific research)
- Bridge construction or repair

A permit is not necessary if…
- Retaining walls are located completely landward of any wetlands or waters
- Elevated piers are over non-tidal wetlands
- Fences in non-tidal wetlands do not affect water movement and wetland hydrology
- No new pilings are needed when running electric or other utility lines on piers

Each permit type has different submittal requirements. Understand what you’ll need to provide to get started.