
Title 22 – Part 07 – Trotline Regulations – Proposed Changes

The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) does hereby give public notice that on September 17, 2019 at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission on Marine Resources, the Commission approved a Notice of Intent to update, modify and change below listed sections of Title 22 Part 7. Said Notice of Intent was filed with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office on September 17, 2019. A complete copy of Title 22 Part 7 and the proposed changes are available are available at Public comments on the proposed regulation changes will be accepted through October 14, 2019. All comments should be mailed to the MDMR, Attn: Rick Burris, 1141 Bayview Avenue, Biloxi, MS 39530 or emailed to: Rick Burris at and delivered by 5:00 PM on October 14, 2019.

Complete description of proposed changes:

TITLE 22 – MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES, PART 7 Regulations to Provide Size Limits and Bag Limits on Certain Fish Species and to Prevent Sale of Seafood by Recreational Fishermen

Chapter 13 Trotline Regulations

100 Anyone trot line fishing south of Interstate 10 shall be registered with the DMR and be issued a unique number that is to be attached along with the fisherman’s name to both ends of the trot line in indelible ink on corrosion resistant metal tags so that it is readable by DMR personnel. If name and number is not attached to both ends and readable by DMR personnel and tending the bottom the line will be deemed illegal and may be confiscated by DMR personnel. Additionally, a Marine Patrol Officer will issue a ticket to anyone operating an illegal trot line.

101 From and after January 1, 2020 both recreational and commercial trotline tags shall be renewed on an annual basis. Trotline tags will be valid from January 1st – December 31st of each year.

